The Sea Lion Project Update 8-26-2016

After waiting for an eternity, we have some updates on the Sea Lion Ship.

Scarano Boat Builders was already in the midst of making repairs on a large wooden schooner when the Sea Lion was transported to Albany, New York last fall (2015) with an estimated August 2016 completion date.  We received word from Scarano Boat Builders several weeks ago that work on the schooner was nearing completion and that they would soon be ready to begin work on the Sea Lion.

Responding to their request we scheduled a date agreeable to both parties for Ron Blackburn and Dennis Strawderman (Henricus Citie Militia founders) to travel to Albany and discuss the initial repairs on the ship which involves stabilizing the deck. The repairs are extensive and will require replacement of the decking and several damaged deck beams.

Since their meeting date is Friday, August 26, 2016, they will be traveling to Albany on Thursday the 25th to give them an entire day for the inspection of the ship and discussion of repair plans. Scarano Boat Builders provided them with a proposal for this stage of the ship restoration in advance of moving the ship and the purpose of the meeting is to discuss its progress.

We want to thank all our fans for waiting patiently with us. This project will be long and arduous. In the future it will serve its purpose for extending the life of the Sea Lion and promoting historical education at Henricus Historical Park.

Ron Blackburn & Dennis Strawderman
Ron Blackburn & Dennis Strawderman