Tag: Albany Center Gallery

James Gillaspie’s 16th century armor on display in The Fine Craft show at the Albany Center Gallery

James-Arlen-Gillaspie-armorRenowned craftsman James Arlen Gillaspies finest 16th century armor replica is proudly on display in The Fine Craft Show at the Albany Center Gallery in New York.

James Gillaspie recreated the armor after studying the original, an exquisitely crafted late 16th century piece which is currently on display at The Wallace Collection museum in London.

James is among the finest armorers on the planet and this armor replica, as well as some examples of his other works are featured in many publications.

The 16th century armor is currently owned by Henricus Citie Militia Captain, Dennis Strawderman. The armor was custom made to fit Strawderman for use in reenactment events at the Henricus Historical Park in Virginia.

This notable piece of armor is also featured in a book by Brian Price titled Techniques of Medieval Armour Reproduction.

Gillaspie specializes in the design of custom medieval renaissance armor and also designs medieval armor in the English, German, Spanish and Italian styles which were worn by knights.

To learn more you can visit his website at James Arlen Gillaspie – Artist Metalsmith and Medieval Armour Maker

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