Tag: Chesterfield Virginia

The Rise of the Sea Lion Chapter 1

The Sea Lion Saga

Chapter 1: The Rise of the Sea Lion

They were bold, courageous, hardworking men venturing into an ancient forest of virgin white oak to select the material they needed to fulfill a dream they all shared.  The trees towering over them were 350 to 400 years old and one of the last stands of such timber remaining in the whole country.

Sea Lion Ship Barcelona, New York © David Brewster dcbprime

But they were exactly what their project required to provide the 10,000 board feet of virtually knot-free lumber needed to complete their “dream ship.”

Their sojourn into the dark woods was only made possible because the owner of the property shared their dream as well and contributed the valuable trees for the vessel.

After years of research they dedicated a large part of their lives to the slow, painstaking laborious work of the 16th century shipwright to complete their masterpiece. Much of this introductory chapter to the Sea Lion Saga was taken directly from an original 1981 Sea Lion Project publication. Much more to come! The marvelous photo of the Sea Lion overlooking Barcelona Harbor was provided by David Brewster dcbprime

Next, Chapter 2: The Plan Takes Form